I am writing to you representing that Session of the Church to thank you for all of the countless hours you have expended in our many renovation projects. I know that you are aware of what your expertise means to the organization, but the Session did not want it to appear that we just accept what you do without offering our appreciation.
You and your family are an important part of our church body and everybody knows how critical your time and your skills are to the continual updating of our physical plant.
We all hope that you and your family have a great summer. The Fall will be exciting, as I am certain that you will be visiting Georgia often.
Please pass along to Craig that we saw our house for the first time this week. It is framed. Windows went in Tuesday, shingles on the roof yesterday and today. We were there Monday through Wednesday to do electrical, plumbing and HVAC walk throughs, buy appliances, e.t.c.
We’ve been getting almost daily pictures from a neighbor, but seeing it in person was very exciting. We really love the way the house is turning out. The layout is great. We need to rethink some furniture plans a little, but we can see it is going to be a fun house to live in.
We’re finally settled in our home and I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful design. We so enjoyed walking with you and appreciate everything you’ve done. Please know the welcome mat is always out for you. Thanks so much for our warm and welcoming home.
Thanks again for your help in designing a beautiful home!
I just wanted to say thank you for all of the work you and your staff put into the drawings and getting the bids. Everything went so smoothly.
I did email Patty that we chose Jim. If there is something else we need to do let me know. We have told him as we see him quite often. His bid was quite reasonable and we were impressed by his houses. We know that building a house is not easy with anyone but hopefully using our new neighbor will make the process more enjoyable. Thanks again.
I am fairly certain I emailed you a while back but in case I did not, I wanted to let you and Craig know how happy I am with my home. Please pass the message on! Hope you are enjoying your summer.
Well done! Thanks to all of you and your office teams for your professional advice, patience and understanding. You all did a great job getting our application approved, the three of you work well together. I assure you that we will be recommending all of you to our neighbors who will eventually need your help.
Since you are not finished with us we look forward to our future conversations.
Loves her house! Moving in this week and can’t be more pleased. Inviting you over to see & feel free to take pictures.
We have just recently settled into our new home at 4 East Kentucky Avenue in Long Beach Island and just want to thank you for making our dream a reality. You patiently listened to our ideas and wishes and, using your professional expertise, incorporated them into a house that we truly love and exceeds all of our expectations.
Thank you for guiding us through the process so efficiently and professionally and thanks also to Donna for all of her help and guidance. We are truly grateful!
Just a note to ‘Thank You’ for your untiring work. We really appreciate your immediate attention that you showed. We look forward to the evening in front of the Land Use Board — We are so lucky to have you.